Optimal Sample Introduction Solutions: Maximizing ICP Performance for Battery Analysis

Thank you for your interest; our recorded webinar will cover the selection of optimal sample introduction components and best maintenance practices to overcome the challenges of battery analysis by ICP-OES and ICP-MS. We also introduce a revolutionary ICP accessory, the Jet Vortex Interface (JVI™), which allows for the direct analysis of battery electrolytes in Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) without dilution or the need for a Peltier cooled spray chamber. A detailed summary of the work conducted using the JVI™ is featured in our application note, "Improved Analysis for the Lithium Battery Industry: How Pure are your Organic Solvents?" which can also be downloaded.

Webinar Key Objectives:

  • Overview of the ICP sample introduction system and selecting the best components for performance and matrix compatibility.
  • Optimization of ICP operating parameters for performance and stability.
  • Review of best maintenance practices to extend the life and performance of the ICP sample introduction system.
  • A new, innovative ICP accessory is introduced, which allows for the direct analysis of battery electrolytes in IPA without aqueous dilution or a Peltier cooled spray chamber.

View Webinar, presented by Dr. Maja Budanovic and Dr. Ryan Brennan:

Download our Application Note:

This work represents cooperation between Glass Expansion and Pure Lithium (Cambridge, MA) to evaluate the benefits of an innovative aerosol filtration accessory combined with a low-volume, high-efficiency spray chamber to measure lithium battery electrolytes by ICP-OES without the need to digest the sample. This paper reviews the capabilities of this innovative sample introduction system coupled with an ultra-high-performance ICP-OES system that supplants ICP-MS capabilities, especially concerning one critical element of interest, chlorine.

Click the image below to view the technical note:

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