Part Number: 60-808-1150

Product: Trident Internal Standard Kit for HF solutions

USD 413.00
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Part Number Description
HF mixing T-piece
Internal Standard Sample Probe
UniFit-EzyFit Sample Tube (PKT 6)
EzyFit with 1/16 OD X 0.50mm ID x 700mm long sample tube (PKT 10)
EzyFit with 1/16 OD X 0.25mm ID x 700mm long sample tube (PKT 10)
Vitex gripping paper (PKT 6)
Flared Connector


- 1 piece only is supplied with UFT-EZT-16-50 and EZT-16-25, 2 pieces supplied of EZT-16-50
Trident Internal Standard Kit for HF solutions
